Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What have you been up to?...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at www.featheringmynest.ca/blog

Hey!... how've you been?... it's been a little while... I've been working myself silly getting pieces ready for the group Vintage with Flair Christmas Market... and a little work on the www.featheringmynest.ca website... it is still in progress... I'm really hoping to have it up and running by the show on November 9th... if not my facebook page is up and going...

Fall has hit really quickly here... a little too quickly... and it's a little too cold... well except this week so far has been really nice... and well we get lots of sunshine so I won't complain too much... I love fall... when it's not too cold!  ahhaaha... layers and legwarmers... snuggly comfort clothing... 

Besides working on things for the show the Pickle and I have been chilling out quite a bit in the evenings and on the weekends... Walking Dead, movies, bubbly... 

...OH!... and karaoke at the neibs house... sweet jesus I'm quitting my day job and I'm become a professional karaoke-er!... hehehe... so much fun... 

And of course as always... lots of snuggles with these two little furbabies... 

Falling into fall quite nicely...
I hope you've been well!...


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